Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Benefits of Having a Trusted Family Lawyer

affordable family lawyer Nigeria

Perhaps you have never considered it, but hiring the services of a trusted family lawyer is one of the best investments you can make in life. Something very similar to what happens with doctors happens with lawyers: people only go to them when they have some kind of ailment. However, it may be too late by then, or certain problems could have been avoided by going earlier.

Having a family lawyer in your head to be able to consult you on any legal matter is something that everyone should do. There are many branches of law, but the lawyer specializing in family law is one of those who can best advice and guide ordinary citizens as they deal with issues such as divorce, inheritance, or custody of children, For example.

When choosing the best and most affordable family lawyer Nigeria, the first and most important thing is that he is specialized and has experience in this branch of law. In addition, you must have certain skills such as flexibility, vocation, and communication. Of course, trust is something fundamental since issues related to the most intimate and personal life will be discussed with him.


When a couple decides to divorce or separate, the role of the lawyer is essential. If the process is by mutual agreement, both spouses share a lawyer, while if it is contentious, each one needs their own lawyer. It is necessary to divide the assets, rights, and obligations based on the economic regime of the marriage. In many cases, difficulties arise when the regime is community property, especially if the volume of assets to be divided is large.

One of the areas of specialization of the family lawyer is the regime of guardianship and custody of minor children from the marriage. The intervention of this legal professional can make the difference between seeing the children or not. It is not about looking for guilty but about trying to fit the break and the new situation.

If the divorce is by mutual agreement, one of the most relevant sections of the regulatory agreement is the one that includes the custody regime and alimony. A family lawyer at the Family & Divorce Law Firm in Nigeria has the training and experience to draft an agreement that is favorable since he can also intuit what his client can gain or lose if there is finally no agreement and the final decision passes to be in the hands of the Judge.


One of the great benefits of having a trusted family lawyer has to do with inheritance. Everyone is an heir at least once in their life, and it is also convenient to make a will. The lawyer may be responsible for administering the will to ensure that the wishes of the deceased are carried out.

With regard to inheritance, renouncing it is an increasingly common procedure. There are people who die with debts that exceed their assets, so the heirs decide to give up the inheritance because they do not obtain any type of benefit from it.

These are the best-known services of Legal Aid Family Solicitors UK, but they also provide many others. This is a professional who deals with advising from the legal point of view in fields that are related to the family, such as divorce or adoption, among others. In many cases, he acts as a mediator when there is a dispute between family members and is also in charge of drafting legal documents such as prenuptial agreements or property agreements.

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